miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

About the great music of The Thick Rainbows


Duet formed in Alt Emporda (Catalonia), in the year 2008, in a small studio dedicating hours to the music, influenced by blue, rock and folk, and why not, from the great musicians, Jimi Hendrix, John Mayall, Johnny Winter, and all the blues musicians . After months we have created our first CD "Waiting for the train". Work accomplished with a lot of determination and enthusiasm that without the help of a small team couldn’t had been possible. Thanks to all of them for their collaboration. "Waiting for the train", first work composed of ten themes and two bonus tracks, themes in Spanish, English, Catalonian and French, new and original themes, as much the rock and the blues and later tendency to the funky stimulated Enric Camps ex-member of "Have Merci" interpreting versions of the mythical band Zz top. In this work, mixes blues-rock and created the musical basis for the most of the themes.

Agustín Herrero, musician and influenced over most by the blues, going through the rock, folk, country , reggae, thanks to Enric and my firm purpose I managed to create the theme words and some musical basis with harmonica touches. "Waiting for the train" album without so much pretensions but with a special taste

You can by the first CD on the website. Do not forget to give your address so we can send it to you.


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